The Pullman Blackmailer
Plot Type: General, Train
Doctor Dietler, a ruthless blackmailer, has hired a ‘special’ train from the railway magnate Colonel Holman Stevens. Onboard are the famous actress Maria Zinden travelling with her son, Franck, and the armaments merchant Federick von Heissen – all are being blackmailed by Doctor Dietler who is soon to be found dead in the restaurant car. Why is the Colonel allowing Doctor Dietler to hire the Pullman train on which to conduct his blackmail business? What are the secrets that the famous actress and armaments merchant have to hide, and what does the Flagler Bridge disaster have to do with this case? Finally, why is Sherlock Holmes a prime suspect for the murder?
The Cast
Doctor Dietler: A blackmailer who is travelling by train for the purposes of carrying out his evil business.
Franck: Travelling with Maria Zinden, he is a most untidy looking boy of unpleasant manners. Wherever his beloved mother goes, he goes too.
Sherlock Holmes: The famous consulting detective.
Inspector Lestrade: This Scotland Yarder is methodical and like a dog with a bone. Unfortunately he is often erroneous in his deductions.
Pullman Steward: About sixty, but looking very hearty and athletic. A man held in high regard by the railway, but what secret does he hide?
Federick Von Heissen: Well-dressed but reticent in manner. Known to be an armaments merchant, and a blackmailed target for Doctor Dietler.
Colonel Holman Stevens: A magnate of some wealth, but why is he so vexed by the presence of Doctor Dietler on his train?
Doctor Watson: Solid and dependable but always one step behind Sherlock Holmes.
Maria Zinden: It is no surprise that this fine actress has admirers the world over, including royalty, but why is she being blackmailed?